Use Sharpie Extreme permanent marker to draw a line right down the middle of the mason jar. Starting at the top line, draw a line down the right side of that line to the bottom of the mason jar, this time fanning out a bit as you go, like in the image above. repeat this process to the left of the first line. Repeat these steps, alternating sides, until the lines meet in the back.
Now it’s time to work on the webbing. Starting from the middle and working to the right, draw slight web-like arches between each line. Repeat on the left side. Repeat this process all the way down, until you get to the bottom of the mason jar with each line.
Cut twine to tie around the top rim of the jar, then cut 4 pieces of twine 6 inches long. Center these at the front the jar under the twine tied at the rim of the jar. Tie in a knot. The twine will hang down in the front of the jar.
Stretch the cotton ball carefully to make a spider web, place in the bottom of the jar.
Place battery powered tea light in the jar. (used the black ones)
Place one or two plastic spiders in the web.
Place on the mantle, front porch, or with any decor for Halloween!