
Camper to Counselor Testimonial

Hey everyone, my name is Andrew Davis, and I am 18 and a freshman at the University of Georgia. I was a camper for one year and this will be my fifth year being a counselor. Throughout my time as a counselor and camper, I have made so many memories and learned a lot of new things. I hope from hearing my story that it may inspire you to become a camper or if you are already one, to interview to become a counselor.

I first came to camp six years ago because I had some medical complications that made it so I was not able to play sports for a bit. I always knew I was interested in cooking but never really pursued the idea until this happened. I started off by going to a few Saturday camps and ended up going to camp in the summer as well. Some of my favorite things from going to these camps were cooking, meeting all the counselors, and Mrs. Vera herself. I love to eat lots of different foods, so learning to cook them is just as fun as eating them as well. At the camp I was surprised at how interactive we got to be with the counselors and I really admired them. I also remember how surprised I was when I first met Mrs. Vera. Even as a camper, I had never met anyone who challenged me the way she challenged me and I found it both intense but inspiring.

After going to camp I got the opportunity to be a counselor which I will always be thankful for. I am so thankful for that opportunity because it has taught me so many things from a young age that I still use and value today. From the start, I could see that all the counselors knew what to do, when to do it, how to do it, and everything in between. Everyone had so much composure in situations that seemed to be so stressful, and I wanted to be able to be that as well. I can say I am able to do that now. I also enjoy the campers I get to make connections with when I see them returning to camp year after year. It is inspiring to watch them grow up and mature into new kids. Specifically, I love to encourage the boys that come to camp to stay with it even though it may not seem normal. Girls love a great cook! Finally I am so thankful for the meaningful connection I have made with Mrs. Vera. I have been able to connect with her on a personal level in and out of camp and she has mentored me and shaped me into the person I am today. Without her inspiration, I would not be pursuing a business degree at the Terry College of Business. She has taught me by example of what it looks like to be a leader, how to lead, and so many life lessons that I will not ever take for granted.

I believe that my time with VeryVera’s cooking camp has made me who I am today and that everyone should try their hardest to attend a summer camp and attempt to become a counselor if their passion leads them to that. To everyone who has been to camp, I have enjoyed the time we have had together and look forward to seeing you again at camp or as a counselor. To everyone wondering if camp is is worth it, I would simply say yes. My story as well as so many others speak to the truth that this is so much more than a cooking camp! I cannot wait to be back this summer!