Hi! My name is Elizabeth Pipkin. I started going to VeryVera Cooking Camp when I was eight years old. At the time, Camp was held at the Washington Road location, and it was also where her catering and cake business took place.
Part of the experience of going to camp there was being able to watch the cakes be baked, frosted, and packaged. I also remember how exciting it was to tour the building and walk into the large freezer. Being able to see the “behind the scenes” of the business was really neat.
I always loved going to VeryVera Camp when I was younger. Cooking and baking are a passion of mine, so the camp was very fun for me. I loved the environment, and I always wanted to work there one day. We were able to cook, craft, and prepare for the banquet, which was the conclusion of the camp. One of my fondest memories was being asked to appear on Season 1 of The VeryVera Show. It was such an honor. Former camper Sanford Satcher also went on the show with me, and it was nice meeting him. We made fruit pies, meat pies, and pull apart cake. It was such a fun and amazing experience, and I’m glad I was able to do it.
During middle school, I stopped going to camp, and I missed it. I wrote Mrs. Vera a letter and I asked if I could volunteer at her camps. I worked as a junior counselor for a week that summer, and I learned so much! I learned how to be a leader, and I took pride in my job. My primary job initially was dishes, setting up, and anything Vera needed done. Over time my responsibilities have increased. I now am in charge of an entire room at the camp as a junior counselor.
I’ve always been a shy person, and this job has definitely made me more confident. I’ve learned so much, and I continue learning more each time I work as a counselor and as a part-time office assistant after school at the VeryVera Cottage. I have been taught so much by my coworkers and Mrs. Vera, and I’m so glad to have this experience.